Leisureshopdirect Caravan Blog

Caravan & motorhome blog

Securing your expensive awning

With so many caravan parks now providing 'hard standings' for both the caravan and awning there appears to be a growing problem in successfully securing your awning to the ground. These pitches are normally compressed gravel providing little or no security for the rock pegs that are required to penetrate this surface. So many of you are complaining about the problem of pegs pulling out in the slightest breeze and are having to resort to ever larger pegs and dog tethers, positioned in any adjacent grassed areas, to secure your awning. A good awning is not a cheap item and security is important particularly if the awning is to remain standing when you are absent from the caravan. A restful holiday does not consist of staying up on a windy and wet night with the sole purpose of manually holding down your awning. When caravan park owners are planning their hard standings perhaps they could incorporate at least two 'eyes' bedded in blocks of concrete that could provide the basic and immoveable points to secure the awning. In the meantime amongst your caravan accessories you will possibly need some Dog Security Tether Peg and Ground Peg for Tie-down kit which should give you some peace of mind. The awning tie-down kit has also become a necessity and this should be chosen to suit your make of awning.