Leisureshopdirect Caravan Blog

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Road safety needs greater sense of direction

Posted by Linda Davidson

The government needs to provide clarity about the future of road safety, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) told people with Truma caravan water heaters.

Neil Greig, director of policy and research at the IAM said that roads in the UK are some of the safest in world, while the number of deaths on the road was just 2,222 last year, a record low.

However, to continue to improve safety, the government needs to set out a clear strategy as at the moment, there are no targets for where it envisions road safety in 2020.

"Our roads have never been safer … In general terms things have been going quite well," said Mr Greig.

He added: "Our main concern at the moment is [that] lack of direction from central government on road safety."

The government recently proposed a new road safety strategy which could include fixed penalty fines for careless driving and the possible introduction of compulsory and extended driving tests for disqualified drivers.