Dorema Starlon Awning Carpet image 1 Dorema Starlon Awning Carpet image 2

Dorema Starlon Grey 250 x 400cm

£86.29 (inc VAT) 115.99
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Dorema's user friendly carpet ensures optimal compatibility with your new awning, Starlon is produced in two attractive colour ways: grey and blue.

Dorema have developed a new user friendly carpet available in an array of sizes. To ensure the optimal compatibility with your new awning, Starlon is produced in two attractive colour ways: grey and blue. This quality carpet is suitable for weekend campers as well as the more enthusiastic permanent site camper.
The Starlon carpet incorporates environmental friendly fibres into an exclusive designed weave structure; Dorema have been able to make the Starlon carpet lightweight and incredibly strong, with a texture that is soft and comfortable, especially when the little ones are running around in their bare feet.
Accidental stains such as coffee or red wine are easily removed by using a damp cloth. Any stale smells from underneath the carpet are prevented due to the special breathable weave construction of Starlon carpets.
Starlon is available in sizes to suit nearly every awning - see below for more information.

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