Hi, I have a Thetford C2 cassette toilet in my '96 Rockwood Premier pupup camper. The toilet hasn't flushed since before I bought it, and the previous guy used the shower water to put fluid in the bowl in order to flush. Today I folded the drain and fill spout out, disconnected the sight glass and drained almost a whole mop bucket worth of the foulest smelling blue liquid from the camper. I removed the toilet paper holder and pulled out the pump. Is the pump and electrical wiring supposed to be submerged in the blue liquid under the paper towel holder? Also, looking for the 3 amp fuse, I looked at the diagram online as well as the one in the manual (same diagram), and the fuse isn't there, but on the side of the switching mechanism i can see two little slots that look like a blade fuse would go there. When I try to put a 3 amp blade fuse in those two little slots, it just won't go in. Now, what I have is the bigger blade fuses that are used in the circuit panel in the camper, is that the correct fuse for the C2, or is it the smaller micro fuse that goes there? Thanks in advance.
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