Leisureshopdirect Caravan Blog

Caravan & motorhome blog

40 litres of water is enough to handle.

One of the essential caravan accessories is the water carrier and the Aquaroll has led the way for many years. Its strong and sturdy construction has stood the test of time. The Royal Aquarius is also a strong contender and both of these carriers have a capacity of 40 litres. This seems to be the maximum that can be comfortably pulled up any sort of incline and although both can be filled through a side orifice it is normal to turn the barrel on its end when you reach the caravan. As one gets older the energy required to tip this particular caravan accessory on its end is possibly too much for some people and you may simply chock the barrel with a couple of pieces of wood and insert your pump into the side orifice. There are some water carriers on the market that hold 50 litres and trying to manipulate 50 kilograms is not easy.