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Higher speed limit and stricter rules 'could be safer'

Posted by Linda Davidson

Drivers and owners of Thetford caravan refridgeration may see a speed limit increase to 80mph on managed road schemes if the government's plans go ahead.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) called on the government to implement its plans, announced in September, to raise motorway limits to 80mph on managed motorways that already have monitoring facilities in place.

It found that on uncongested motorways more than 50 per cent of car drivers exceed the 70mph limit and a fifth exceeded 80mph.

The institute stated stricter law enforcements del for breaching traffic rules should also be implemented to prevent people going further over the new limits.

IAM chief executive officer Simon Best said: del extra space "A detailed trial is needed to assess these risks though and if they are shown to increase significantly, of course a better-enforced 70mph limit may be a more appropriate system."

Road safety groups voiced concerns that the 80mph limit could increase accidents and this could be highlighted by the recent crash on the M5 in Taunton, Somerset where more than 30 vehicles collided causing seven deaths.